
Rhod Gilbert in Leicester: multi-award winning comedian talks life, leukemia and potato tattoos

Multi-award winning comedian Rhod Gilbert returns with a brand new live show. Tonight he is in Leicester. Journalist Helen Barnes spoke to him about life, loccemia and grapefruit.

Helen Barnes Hi Rhod! How are you?

Rhod Gilbert I’m fine, you know, I’m fine. I am very happy and lucky to be alive and living life with renewed passion.

HB You’re coming to Leicester on June 15th with your new tour – can you tell us a bit about that?

RG Yeah, so it’s called Rod Gilbert and the Giant Grapefruit. I pinched Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach there. It’s also a nod to the tumor in my throat, grapefruit, it’s a bit dark but it’s also very upbeat – it’s a happy, uplifting show and it’s the kind of idea that – you know that phrase, when life gives you lemons, do you make lemonade I took that and twisted it into what do you do when life gives you grapefruits? He starts throwing grapefruits at you. So this is my cancer story from diagnosis to now. I made it as funny as possible because it’s a stand-up show, so I want people to come in really beaming.

HB Now, there are 130 meetings. It works until 2025. There are many cities you visit.

RG Yes, I think they do almost every town and city in the UK. I’m doing a lot of smaller venues on this tour, some of them are 250 seats and some are 5,000, so there’s a real variety. I spread it out because I take it easy too. I have to go on. I have to maintain my health. I have to keep the resistance. Back in the day, I would do five, six, seven nights a week. I don’t do that anymore. I do three, four nights a week. So that’s why it’s going on for the next two years pretty much and we keep adding more shows, so happy days.

HB Fantastic. Now your latest tour, The Book of John, described by critics as “amazing, your best work to date!” Is it better in your opinion?

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