
Major changes Sheffield City Council will make after the local elections

Sheffield City Council is seeking to make a number of changes to its constitution as it tries to ensure it is “up to date”.

At next week’s annual council meeting at Sheffield Town Hall, councilors will be asked to approve a number of changes to the constitution. This includes a number of recommendations from the governance committee and the council’s monitoring officer “about complaints”.

A report, published ahead of the meeting, said “the council’s constitution sets out how the council works, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure they are effective, transparent and accountable to local people”.

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The report also states that the board has a duty to keep this constitution up to date. As a result, some changes are proposed.

Firstly, the role of the deputy leader of the board would be changed so that they have additional responsibilities as they work as the lead customer experience member to handle complaints. The policy committee’s terms of reference for strategy and resources would also be changed to include “primary responsibility for complaints, including monitoring of complaints handling performance”.

Meanwhile, the role of policy committee chair will be updated, with statutory health control powers changed. The local authority previously had the power of referral to the secretary of state and from now on “the secretary of state must be notified of the proposals by the health body and has the power to intervene”.

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