
The man who manufactured and supplied deadly firearms from homes in Birmingham has been jailed

A man who manufactured and supplied improvised firearms in Birmingham and London has been jailed for almost 13 years. Police discovered a white converted trigger gun – hidden behind a shoulder bag in the back garden of a house in Headingley Road, Handsworth, where Kemarn Riley lived – when they went to investigate a report of criminal damage in January last year.

The shoulder bag contained two live shotgun shells, and another bag found in the garden contained two metal pipes, which officers suspected could be combined to make a “pistol slam”. A slam gun consists of a barrel that can contain a shotgun shell, which when another barrel is inserted, is discharged by a sliding and slamming motion of the user.

The guns, ammunition and bags were taken from the property for analysis and were forensically linked to 24-year-old Riley.

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In February, another gun was recovered from a vehicle in Handsworth. Riley was not present when the gun was seized, but when it was analyzed, it was traced back to him.

This led the police to believe that he was involved in the supply and manufacture of these deadly devices. Riley was arrested at his new address in Asquith Road, Ward End, on February 28, having moved there shortly after guns and ammunition were discovered at his previous residence in Headingley Road in January.

One of the firearms was recovered from Riley(Image: WMP)

During a search of his room during his arrest, we recovered a bag containing imitation firearms, shotgun cartridges and metal barrels similar to those found earlier used in the manufacture of stun guns. Other items were also seized, including his phone.

An examination of Riley’s phone revealed messages, images and searches that suggested he was involved in the sale of firearms. When questioned in custody, Riley admitted buying pipes for an associate but claimed he was unaware of their use.

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