
Watch: Sheffield trampoline group host charity fundraiser

A Sheffield trampoline group is hosting a 12-hour ‘bounce-a-thon’ to raise money for a South Yorkshire charity.

The University of Sheffield Trampoline Society is hosting the event to support The Snowflake Project, a charity that helps support and empower victims of Modern Slavery.

The charity was founded in 2012 and has since expanded across South Yorkshire.

Rachael Norman, the group’s charity secretary, said the group was aiming to raise £1,000, having passed a quarter of that target by lunchtime.

The event is open to the community, with staff, students and members of the public invited to come down and donate to the event.

There are also raffles which support the charity and offer a range of prizes.

Miss Norman says the event is now in its tenth year and this year it is in the Goodwin Sports Center Sports Hall on Northumberland Road, Sheffield.

Ella, a competition secretary at the group, said: “I love to trampoline so doing it for twelve hours is right up my street!”

To donate directly to the charity you can visit: The Snowdrop Project | A future free from modern slavery

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